Steelers Burning Question: How long till it is a black and gold Super Bowl?
Last season I did the Friday Night Steelers Six Pack and wondered if it was worth doing further. After all, interaction was not great, and sometimes you just have to adjust. So I decided to call an audible, and not just abandon the Friday night meeting of the black-and-gold minds.
Instead of six questions, I wanted to focus solely on one question.
We’ll still do the preamble of what you’re eating/drinking/listening to, but we’ll focus our attention on the one Steelers question of the week. Don’t worry, most weeks I’ll do a bonus/extra credit question for fun. With all that out of the way, let’s get to the question!
While we can all agree the Steelers are not necessarily close to competing for a Super Bowl anytime soon, the question is how long do you think it will be until they actually are considered legitimate contenders once again?
For me, I firmly believe the NFL is built around quarterbacks, and that means if you don’t have one you don’t have much of a shot. The Steelers currently don’t have one, and that seems pretty bleak at the moment, so I’m going to say it will be a while, or until the Steelers finally figure out the most important position in professional sports.
If I had to put a number on it, I’d say 3-4 years.
What do you think?
As for what I’m eating, it’s homemade pizza and salad. As for drink, it’s always store bought kombucha, as usual, and the tunes will be whatever my family wants to hear!
Happy Friday everyone!!
Got a home improvement project going, Pandora station shuffle of Sinatra, Outcast, Glass Animals, and Yacht Rock.
Pounded some leftover Pizza – cold with dirty hands…like a caveman.
Drinking, an all day IPA, nothing worth mentioning, but it’s doing a food job of washing the insulation dust off my tongue.
Wow. Uh, it’s frankly depressing to think about this question. The best I could answer is; it’s several years off, and the clock will reset every season untill they get a QB around whom to build.
THIS right here is perhaps the greatest line I’ve ever read on the SCN comments section, Joe! Haha
Hahaha, thanks! I gotta be me SY!
And I love it! I’m here for it Joe! I got some caveman in me too!
Alec McCullough need to be a HB in the steelers squad next year for the NFL to succeed. Not like he won’t succeed either boi a monster
Three more years of treading water with Milquetoast Art and Mike Tomlin, whose mind and body seem to have been occupied by the ghost of Marty Schottenheimer. Somewhere around then we may see torches passed, the next President will find the next coach and the arc will change, for better or worse.
I hate to post something this depressing, but I think it’ll be 10-ish years.
The roster has major issues. I get you can’t fill every position, but I think by the time they start getting the current holes patched, some current key players will be retiring or declining. Avoiding that will take a couple very lucky bumper-crop drafts.
The position coaching staff also has issues. There’s too few good position coaches to go around, and most are sewn up for the next few years.